國立清華大學  服務科學研究所 

Institute of Service Science

National Tsing Hua University 


Institute of Service Science Space Administrative Measures 

1.本辦法適用本所管理之734、550會議室及321服務設計實驗室。There are 1 discussion rooms (734) ,1 meeting room (550) and service design lab(321).

2.會議室以所辦及教授安排各項會議使用為優先,服務設計實驗室以進行服務設計相關使用需求為優先且需先經過審核方可使用。本所保有各空間優先使用之權力。The meeting room is for the priority to institute but also for students to discuss project or research meeting. Service design lab is for priority of design related activity. ISS Office keeping the right and priority to use the space.

3.服務設計實驗室(321)如非課程相關及所辦、教師主辦之活動,將酌收場地使用費(請洽本所辦公室)。Room 321 would charge the fee if borrowing purpose not related to our course or project. 

4.借用者如臨時放棄使用,請於借用時段前來電告知,於登記時段超過二十分鐘未到,視同取消借用。Space only leave for 20 minutes and will be regarded as canceling this booked. Please inform us in advance if you don't need to use the space you have booked.

5.空間使用完畢應恢復原狀,熄滅電燈、冷氣、確實關閉投影機及窗戶,並將私人物品移除、黑白板擦乾淨、清理桌椅維持室內環境之整潔,並請共同愛護各項公務設備之使用,如有毀損情況應負損害賠償責任。Booker should keep space clean after using, and remember to turn off air-conditioner and light.

6.如未能配合上述規定者,本所將以違規記點並保留其後續借用之權利。Booker who violating the rules listed above will be recorded.