國立清華大學 服務科學研究所
Institute of Service Science
National Tsing Hua University
商業分析 Business Analytics
模組目的 Module Aim
The Business Analytics (BA) module is intended for those interested in championing the use of data-driven decision making. The elective BA courses cover a range of topics used in industry by data scientists.
The ISS BA module is unique in its emphasis on humane and socially responsible analytics. Learn how to apply analytics to benefit consumers, employees, society, and the environment. The program also emphasizes data-driven service innovation: helping discover needs and aid service design using analytics.
模組課程 Courses
*ISS5077 計算統計於商業分析之應用 Business Analytics using Computational Statistics (BACS) Syllabus
*ISS5090 機器學習方法於商業分析之應用 Business Analytics using Machine Learning (BAML) Syllabus
*ISS5091 時間序列預測方法於商業分析之應用 Business Analytics using Forecasting (BAFT) Syllabus
*ISS5071 社會網路分析與管理 Social Networks Analysis and Management Syllabus
*ISS5073 文件探勘 Text Mining Syllabus
*ISS5066 程式設計與商業分析Programming for Business Analytics Syllabus
*ISS5096 實驗與因果推論Experiments and Causa Inference
*ISS5819 人工智慧應用於精準行銷推薦Artificial Intelligence in Precision Marketing and Recommendations
*Teaching in English
資源 Find us on facebook
The Analytics @ NTHU Facebook group is open to NTHU students, faculty, alumni and industry partners. The group is used in some BA courses for discussion and other tasks.