國立清華大學  服務科學研究所 

Institute of Service Science

National Tsing Hua University 

資訊系統     Information Systems(IS)

模組目的 Module Aim


The Information Systems module is intended for those interested in learning the latest software development techniques used to create modern IT services.This module emphasizes the use of information technology in service delivery and technology entrepreneurship. The classes utilize modern practices and encourages open-source.

ISS Information Systems Module

研究與教學領域 Research and Teaching

由於服務具有顧客為中心、知識密集以及網路或社群型之互動性等特性,因此在服務結合網際網路所帶動下的電子化服務(e- Service)的設計與提供所需要的決策具有即時性與機動性。同時決策過程中亦需要較為大量之資訊或知識。因此,利用資料探勘、文件探勘、社會網絡分析、及其他人工智慧技術,來建立電子化服務導向企業所需之服務智慧及企業競爭智慧乃為時勢所趨。此一研究領域包括下列研究議題:智慧型決策輔助與顧客關係管理、知識管理系統、以資料/文件探勘為基礎之企業競爭智慧。

Because the services are usually clients-oriented, knowledge-intensive, and interacting with the communities, the design of e-Service and the required information, both brought by the connections between the service and the Internet, should be real-time and mobile. Methods as date mining, text mining, social network analysis, and other AI techniques to establish the e-Service oriented business intelligence and the competitive advantages. This field of study includes business analysis, intelligent decision support and customers relationship management, knowledge management, data/text mining and service intelligence.

模組課程 Courses

* Teaching in English

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