國立清華大學 服務科學研究所
Institute of Service Science
National Tsing Hua University
課程模組 Modules
課程模組 Modules
The Institute of Service Science has four modules. Each module includes several elective courses. To declare a concentration in a module, students must successfully complete at least three elective courses from that module. Non-ISS students also can obtain a certificate if they successfully complete at least three courses in a module.
認證方法 Certificate
認證方法 Certificate
學生必須修畢模組課程列表中至少三門課才能獲得此模組的認證。To declare a concentration in a module, students must successfully complete at least three elective courses from that module.
如選修之課程歸屬於兩個模組,僅認列一次。The course was only recognized one time in a different module.