Doctral Candidate
Contact:, +886-929-363-016
101, Sec. 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan
How HI & AI cocreate in knowledge management?
Gild's research interests include service-dominant logic, natural language processing, multi-agent system design, and human-centered AI in collective knowledge management. He collaborates with his advisor, Prof. Fu-Ren Lin, to advance research on developing decentralized GenAI-embedded multi-agent systems for creating human-centered AI solutions in knowledge management. Their work aims to enhance social resilience, particularly for SMEs in Taiwan.
PhD: Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Sep,2020~Current)
MS: MBA in Department of Management Information System, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan. (1996~1998)
B.S., in Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan. (1992~1996)
Journal Papers
Shen, W. C., & Lin, F. R., “The Institutionalization of Farmers Association Service Offerings via LINE Group During COVID-19 Pandemic, revising for resubmission to Pacific Asia journal of the Association for Information Systems (PAJAIS).
Conference Paper
Shen, W. C., & Lin, F. R. (2024) “The Design of AI-Enabled Experience-Based Knowledge Management System to Facilitate Knowing and Doing in Communities of Practice “ (KMO/LTEC)
Shen, W. C., & Lin, F. R. (2023). “What Drives Workers to Learn Online during COVID 19 Pandemics? Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences” (HICSS)
Shen, W. C., & Lin, F. R. (2022). The Institutionalization of Farmers Association Service Offerings via LINE Group During COVID-19 Pandemic. International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI)
The Integrated Research on Mining Clinical Process for Medical Practical Training: Cooperate with scholars in Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Through cooperation with medical experts in the field of service science, this project hopes to integrate data exploration technology with user behavior analysis technology in the field of medical education and develop a medical digital teaching method with the concept of "capturing a new perception during the pandemic". Applying process mining and NLP techniques to diagnosis and treatment points in medical education. NSTC (2023.08~2025.07)
Benchmark Project in the Field of Humanities and Social Sciences for Higher Education Institutions: Adjunct Research Assistant: Design and construction of knowledge management system for Academy of Resilience, which is knowledge management system of the project. MOE (2023.07~now)
The Leading Program in Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities and Colleges: Adjunct Research Assistant: Assisted Professor Lin Fu-ren in organizing research data of the project, compiled research outcomes from professors within the project, conducted field investigations in Beipu Township, and assisted in organizing the year-end forum and year-end report. MOE (2021.01-2022.12)
Innovations of Online Learning Services during the Pandemic: Adjunct Research Assistant: Questionnaire Design, Data Collection, and Analysis, with Results Published in HICSS Conference. Service Science Society of Taiwan (S3TW) (2020.09~2021.01)
Journal Papers Under Review, submission, and preparing:
Shen, W. C., & Lin, F. R., “What Drives Workers in Different Sectors to Learn Online during COVID-19 Pandemics?”, submission to Information Systems and e-Business Management (TBD).
Conference Paper
Shen, W. C., Lin, F. R., Yang, Y. S., Wang, W.C., (2025) “Design Principles for Human-AI Collaborative Knowledge Service Systems” (KMO/LTEC)
2023 NTHU CTM Doctoral Students Research Award (link)
2023 Winners of the 2023 NTHU International Visiting Scholarship
2023 Domestic graduate students participate in international academic conferences reimbursement.
2023 "Sandwich" Doctoral Scholarship for Exchange, Bar-Ilan university (Exchang canceled because of Israel-Hamas Conflict)
2023,2024 NSTC outstanding PhD scholarship
沈紋正(1998)。分散式層次輪置視訊檔案伺服器之設計與實作。﹝碩士論文。國立屏東科技大學﹞, Design and Implementation of A Distributed Hierarchical Striping File System for Video-On-Demand (Master thesis, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology),
Foundation Models
LLMs: RAG and Agent techniques based on OPENAI and LANGCHAIN techniques, combining with graph DB (NEO4J) and vector DB(milvus, NEO4J 5). For knowledge agent development which is related to my doctoral dissertation.
Python: Experienced in deploying foundation models for natural language processing and deep learning tasks. Like BERT, ROBERTA, ALBERT.
RASA: Advanced proficiency in dialog management and developing conversational AI with RASA.
Machine Learning
Python: Extensive experience in machine learning and deep learning projects using Python.
R: Utilized for data mining and statistical analysis in quantitative research.
RapidMiner: Machine learning project in the BADM class.
Text Mining
Python: Proficient in text mining and natural language processing techniques for extracting insights from textual data.
R: Applied for data mining and analytics in research-oriented projects.
Web Service Development
JavaScript: Skilled in front-end development for interactive web services.
PHP, MS SQL, MySQL: Comprehensive knowledge in backend development for web applications, including database integration. For Learning management system product development.
Now is working on Django using node.js.
Databases management
Milvus: Vector database for RAG.
NEO4j: Expertise in graph science development using Cypher query language. Also exploring the potential possibility using vector data in it.
PHP, MS SQL, MySQL: Well-versed in SQL database management and application development. For Learning management system product development.
Data Analysis
R: Profound knowledge in statistical analysis and data mining during the class and publication.
Python: Proficient in using Python for machine learning and data analysis tasks in research
SMARTPLS: for publication use.
Tableau: Data visualization in the class.
Video Server Development
Windows Programming, Visual C++: Experienced in developing video on demand (VOD) servers and related software solutions. Thesis development.
Taiwan Patent I328785具代理工具的學習系統及方法(2010/08/11)
Certification of PMP (2004)
Third Research and Development Manager Curriculum of Ministry of Economic Affairs