Hui-Ping Liao, Helena
Education & Certificates
國立清華大學 服務科學研究所 博士班 (2016至今)
NLP 神經語言程式 國際認證訓練師/高階執行師
ICF國際教練聯盟 認證PCC教練
加拿大Blanche Macdonald Centre 流行服務採購文憑 (1999-2000)
經濟部外貿人才養成班 德語組兩年期 (1994-1996)
國立政治大學 財稅學系 (1990-1994)
Ph.D in Service Science, Management, Engineering and Design (2016-present)
NLP trainer & Master Practitioner, H&W training center
Professional Certificated Coach, International Coach Fundation
Diploma in Fashion Merchandising, Blanche Macdonald Centre, Canada (1998-1999)
Trading & German Language, International Trade Institute (1994-1996)
B.A. in Public Finance National Chengchi University (1990-1994)
Research Interests
Service innovation & service, Service marketing & managemen
1. Baking Industry (retail chain stores)
Peer Coaching Leadership Training & Implementation (2012-2016)
2. Health care industry (cashier counter & clinic nurses)
Frontline employee service training & service process improvement
Set up Service Quality Management System and mentoring (2010-2014)
3. Direct sale industry (frontline employees)
Frontline employee service training & service process improvement
Refine service Quality Management System and mentoring (2010-2016)
智聖管理顧問公司 資深執行顧問 (2010-2016)
亞都麗緻服務管理學苑 顧問 (2007-2010)
台新銀行/金控 經理 (2000-2007)
美商聯眾採購公司 迪士尼品牌紡織品策略採購 (1999-2000)
德商嘉士達百貨 紡織品採購 (1996-1997)
Innersmart consulting co., Ltd Senior Executive Consultant (2010-2016)
Landis service institute Consultant (2007-2010)
Taishin International Bank/Holdings Manager (2000-2007)
Associated Merchandising Corporation Disney Strategy Merchandiser (1999-2000)
Germany Karstadt GMBH Textiles Merchandiser (1996-1997)