王貞雅 Chen-Ya Wang
副教授 Associate Professor
服務接觸與溝通 Service Encounters
跨文化服務行銷 Cross-Cultural Services Marketing
餐旅行銷 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing
前線服務人員管理 Management of Frontline Service Employees
Brief Bio
現職 Employment
清華大學服務科學研究所副教授 Associate Professor, Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
學歷 Education
Ph.D, Hospitality Management,
Penn State University
MS, International Management,
University of St. Gallen
BBA, International Business,
National Taiwan University
學術經歷 Academic Experience
Graduate Instructor, School of Hospitality Management, Penn State University
研究興趣 Research Interests
服務接觸與溝通 Consumer responses to service encounters
跨文化服務行銷 Cross-cultural services marketing
前線服務人員管理 Management of front-line service employees
觀光餐旅行銷 Tourism and hospitality marketing
Select Publications
Gong T, Wang, C-Y., Lee, K. (2022). Effects of characteristics of in-store retail technology on customer citizenship behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65,102488.
Gong, T., & Wang, C-Y. (2022). The effects of a psychological contract breach on customer-directed deviance. Journal of Business Research, 138, 374- 386.
Do, K. T., Wang, C. Y., & Guchait, P. (2021). When normative framing saves Mr. Nature: Role of consumer efficacy in proenvironmental adoption. Psychology & Marketing, 38(3), 1340-1362.
Do, K.T., Wang, C.-Y. & Guchait, P. (2020). Using regulatory focus to encourage physical distancing in services: when fear helps to deal with Mr. Deadly COVID-19. The Service Industries Journal, 41(1/2), 32-57.
Gong, T., Wang, C.-Y. & Lee, K. (2020). The Consequences of Customer- Oriented Constructive Deviance in Luxury-Hotel Restaurants. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57, 102254.
Liu, S.Q., Wu, L.L., & Wang, C.-Y. (2020). A Creative-mix or Variety-mix Fusion Experience?Examining Marketing Strategies for Ethnic Fusion Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 89, 102596.
Gong, T., & Wang, C.-Y. (2019). How does dysfunctional customer behavior affect employee turnover. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 29(3), 329-352.
Seger-Guttmann, T., Vilnai-Yavetz, I., Wang, C.-Y., & Petruzzellis, L. (2018). Illegitimate returns as a trigger for customers’ ethical dissonance. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 45, 120-131.
Wang, C.-Y., Guchait, P. Chiang, C.-H. & Weng, W-T. (2017). When customers want to become frontline employees: An exploratory study of decision factors and motivation types. Service Business, 11(4), 871-900.
Wu, L., Mattila, A.S., Wang, C.-Y. & Hanks, L. (2016). The Impact of Power on Service Customers’ Willingness to Post Online Reviews. Journal of Service Research, 19(2), 224-238.
Wang, C.-Y., Miao, L., & Mattila, A.S. (2015). Customer responses to intercultural communication accommodation strategies in hospitality service encounters. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51, 96-104.
Wang, C.-Y. & Mattila, A.S. (2015). The impact of servicescape cues on consumer pre-purchase authenticity assessment and patronage intentions to ethnic restaurants. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 39(3), 346-372.
Mattila, A.S., Hanks, L. & Wang, C.-Y. (2014). Others' Service Experiences: Emotions, Perceived Justice, and Behavior. European Journal of Marketing, 48(3/4), 552-571.
Wang, C.-Y., & Mattila, A.S. (2011) "A cross-cultural comparison of perceived informational fairness with service failure explanations", Journal of Services Marketing, 25(6), 429 – 439.
Kim, M.G., Wang, C.-Y., & Mattila, A.S. (2010). The relationship between consumer complaining behavior and service recovery: An integrative review. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 22(7), 975-991.
Wang, C.-Y., & Mattila, A.S. (2010). A grounded theory model of service providers’ stress, emotion, and coping during intercultural service encounters. Managing Service Quality, 20(4), 328–342.
跨文化行銷溝通 Cross-cultural Marketing Communication
前線服務人員專題研討 Seminar on Frontline Service Employees
組織行為Organizational Behavior
餐旅行銷Hospitality Marketing