林福仁 Fu-Ren Lin
(03) 5742216
Data/text mining
Knowledge management
Service science
Brief Bio
現職 Employment
Professor, Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Director, University library
Director, Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2008-2014)
Professor, Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2004~2008)
Professor, Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University (2001~2004)
Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan (1996~2001)
Application Division Head, Computer and Network Center, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. (1998~2002)
學歷 Education
PhD, Information Systems, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (1992~1996)
M.Eng., Institute of Computer Science and
Information Technology, National Chung-Cheng University, Chia-yi, Taiwan. (1990~1992)
B.Eng., Department of Computer Science, Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan. (1985~1989)
Taipei Junior Teachers College, Taipei, Taiwan. (1978~1983)
研究興趣 Research Interests
Service system design and innovation
Data/text mining and knowledge discovery
Knowledge Management and service
Business Process Innovation and e-business management
Electronic commerce
研究計畫 Recent Projects
1. “The Revitalization Plan for Smart Urban-Rural Hsinchu—Local Vitality and Capability Establishment” MOST 108-2420-H-007-010-HS1, 7/01/2019~6/30/2022
“Adopting Service-Dominant Logic to Innovate Service Systems: A Study on University Social Responsibility Projects ” MOST 107-2410-H-007-027-MY2, 8/01/2018~7/31/2020.
“The Cross Cultural Study of Continued Use Intention of Wearable Devices for Healthcare”MOST105-2410-H-007-037-MY2, 8/01/2016~7/31/2018.
"Mining Emotional State with Brain Computer Interface for Service Design" MoST103-2410-H-007-042-MY2, 8/01/2014~7/31/2016.
"Open Innovation via Building Service Networks and Service Experience Design in Organic Farming Context", MoST 101-2410-H-007-006-MY2, 08/01/2012~07/31/2014.
"The Service Engagement Model with Fitted Information Technology for Telecare Services", NSC 99-2410-H-007-039-MY2, 08/01/2010~07/31/2012
"Text mining for mapping product with technology based on patent claim structure", NSC 97-2410-H-007-027-MY2, 8/01/2008~7/31/2010
"Text mining for prior search based on patent claim structure", NSC, 96-2416-H-007-008-, 08/01/2007~07/31/2008
"The study of knowledge map management for distributed knowledge management", NSC, 95-2752-H-007-003-PAE, 04/2006~03/2007
"The study of text mining techniques for cross-disciplinary product technology analysis", NSC, 95-2416-H-007-014-, 08/2006~07/2007
"The application of multi-agent approach to enhancing the supply chain performance for e-commerce", MOE, A-91-H-FA08-1-4, 04/2002~03/2005
"The development of incentive and fast teaming mechanisms for P2P networks", NSC, 93-2416-H-007-010-, 08/2004~07/2005.
Select Publications
Journal Papers:
1. Nila Armelia Windasari and Fu-ren Lin*, Explicating Open Innovation using Service-Dominant Logic: Strategic Implications, International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET), 12(2)2021 (printing).
2. Fu-ren Lin, Nila Armelia Windasari, Continued use of wearables for wellbeing with a cultural probe, Service Industries Journal, Special issue: Innovations and behavior change, August 6, 2018
3. Hung-wei Chen and Fu-ren Lin, Evolving obligatory passage points to sustain service systems: the case of traditional market revitalization in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, Sustainability, 10(7), 2540, 2018; doi:10.3390/su10072540
4. Fu-ren Lin, Chien-min Kao, Mental effort detection using EEG data in e-learning contexts, Computers & Education, 122:63-79, July 2018. (SSCI)
5. Mahsa Ashouri, Kate Cai, Furen Lin, and Galit Shmueli, Assessing the value of an information system for developing predictive analytics: the case of forecasting school-level demand in Taiwan, INFORMS Journal Service Science (forthcoming)
6. Shyh-ming Lin, Fu-ren Lin, Coordinating mobile activities by integrating simulated and physical software agents, Information Sciences, February 6, 2016.
7. Fu-ren Lin, Rung-Wei Po, Min-chen Lin, Wen-ya Lin, and Benjamin Chang, An exploration of capitation payments for healthcare services using a multi-agent simulation, Pacific Asia Journal of AIS, 6(2):1-20, June 2014.
8. Fu-ren Lin and Peishan Hsien, Analyzing the sustainability of a newly developed service: an Activity Theory perspective, Technovation, 34(2): 113-125, 2014.
9. Ke Xing, David Ness, Fu-ren Lin, A service innovation model for synergistic community transformation: integrated application of systems theory and product-service systems, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 43, March 2013, pp. 93-102.
10. Fu-ren Lin, Hui-yi Huang, Why people share knowledge in virtual communities? ─ the use of Yahoo! Kimo Knowledge+ as an example, Internet Research, 23(2), pp.133 – 159, 2013.
11. Fu-ren Lin and Pei-shan Hsieh, A SAT view on new service development, Service Science, 3(2): 2011.
12. Fu-ren Lin, Rung-Wei Po, Claudia Valeria Cruz Orellan, Mining purchasing decision rules from service encounter data of retail chain stores”, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Accepted (October 4, 2010).
13. Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-cheng Lin and Ching-ming Tsai, Investigating the Processes and Factors of Cross-disciplinary Knowledge Integration in Academic Entrepreneurship, The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol.14, No.1, pp.157-165, 2009
14. Fu-ren Lin, Lu-shih Hsieh, Fu-tai Chuang, Discovering genres of on-line discussion threads via text mining, Computer and Education, 52(2): 481-495, 2009 (SSCI)
15. Fu-ren Lin, Jen-Hung Yu, Visualized cognitive knowledge map integration for P2P networks, Decision Support Systems, 46(4): 774-785, 2009 (SCI)
16. Fu-ren Lin, Hui-chun Kao, Shyh-ming Lin, The enhancement of solving the distributed constraint satisfaction problem for cooperative supply chains using multi-agent systems, Decision Support Systems, 45(4): 795-810, 2008(SCI)
17. Fu-ren Lin and Chia-hao Liang, Storyline-based summarization for news topic retrospection, Decision Support Systems, 45(3): 473–490, 2008 (SCI) .
18. Shiu-li Huang, and Fu-ren Lin, Using Temporal-Difference Learning for Multi-Agent Bargaining, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SSCI) 7: 432-442, 2008.
19. Shiu-li Huang, and Fu-ren Lin, The design and evaluation of intelligent sales-agent for online persuasion and negotiation, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 6(3): 285-296, 2007 (SSCI).
20. Fu-ren Lin and Shyh-ming Lin, Enhancing the supply chain performance by integrating simulated and physical agents into organizational information systems, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 9(4) <http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/9/4/1.html> (SSCI)
21. Sheng-cheng Lin and Fu-ren Lin, An ecosystem view on online communities of practice, International Journal of Communications Law and Policy, Issue 11, Autumn 2006 (http://www.ijclp.net/).
22. Fu-ren Lin, and Ju-fen Hsueh, Learning ontology from Web documents to support Web queries, Institute of Information and Computer Machinery (IICM) 9(2), 2006. (Invited)
23. Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-cheng Lin, and Tzu-ping Huang, Knowledge sharing and creation in teachers’ professional virtual communities, Computer and Education, 50(3): 742-756, April 2008 (SSCI)
24. Fu-ren Lin, Kuen-jin Huang, and Nian-shing Chen, Integrating Information Retrieval and Data Mining for Discovering Coordination Patterns of Project Teams, Decision Support System, 42: 745-758, 2006 (SCI)
25. Shiu-lin Huang, Fu-ren Lin, and Yufei Yuan, Understanding agent-based on-linepersuasion and bargaining strategies: an empirical study, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 11(1):85-115, 2006 (SSCI)
26. Fu-ren Lin and You-yu Lin, Integrating multiagent negotiation to resolve constraints in fulfilling supply chain orders, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/issue/7329-2006-999949995-6361885(4): 313-322, 2006 (SSCI) )
27. Fu-ren Lin, and Chih-ming Hsueh, Knowledge Map Creation and Maintenance for Virtual Communities of Practice, Information Processing and Management, 42(2): 551-568, 2006. (SSCI)
28. Fu-ren Lin, Yu-wei Song, and Yi-peng Lo, Effects of Trust Mechanisms on Supply Chain Performance Using Multi-agent Simulation and Analysis, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 9(5):91-112, 2005 (SSCI).
29. Fu-ren Lin, Michael J. Shaw, and Michael C. Chuang, The unified framework for managing Web-based services, Journal of Information Systems and e-Business Management, 3:299-322, 2005.
30. Fu-ren Lin, Shiu-li Huang, Nian-shing Chen, Incremental Revision of Information Recommendation Rules in On-line Shopping Environments, e-Service Quarterly , 3(2): 85-109, winter 2004.
31. Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-hsiu Huang, and Sheng-cheng Lin, The Effects of Information Sharing on Supply Chain Performance in Electronic Commerce, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49(3): 258-268, 2002. (SSCI)
32. Fu-ren Lin, Meng-Chyn Yang, and Yu-Hua Pi, A Generic Structure for Business Process Modeling, Business Process Management Journal, 8(1):19-41, 2002.
33. Fu-ren Lin and Sheng-cheng Lin, A Conceptual Model for Virtual Organizational Learning, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 11(3):155-178, 2001. (SCI)
34. Fu-ren Lin, Shien-chao Chou, Shung-mei Pan, and Yao-mei Chen, Mining Time Dependency Patterns in Clinical Pathways, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 62 (1):11-25, 2001 (SCI)
35. Fu-ren Lin, Kuang-yi Chang, Enhancing the On-Line Automated Bargaining Process Using Bargaining Pattern and Dynamic Price Issuing Approaches, IEEE Intelligent Systems, special issue on Intelligent E-Business, 16(4):41-47, July-August 2001 (SCI).
36. Fu-ren Lin, and Yu-Hua Pai, Using Multi-Agent Simulation and Learning to Design New Business Processes, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 30(3):380-384, 2000. (SCI)
37. Troy J. Strader, Fu-Ren Lin and Michael J. Shaw, The Impact of Information Sharing on Order Fulfillment in Divergent Differentiation Supply Chains, Journal of Global Information Management, 7(1) :16-25, January-March 1999.
38. Troy J. Strader, Fu-Ren Lin and Michael J. Shaw, Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce and Convergent Assembly Supply Chain Management, Journal of Information Technology, 14(4): 361-373, December 1999. (SSCI)
39. Fu-ren Lin, Gek Woo Tan, and Michael J. Shaw, Multi-Agent Enterprise Modeling, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 9(1): 7-32, 1999.(SCI)
40. Fu-ren Lin, and Michael J. Shaw, Reengineering the Order Fulfillment Process in Supply Chain Networks, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 10(3): 97-229, 1998. (SSCI)
41. Troy J. Strader, Fu-Ren Lin, and Michael J. Shaw. Simulation of Order Fulfillment in Divergent Assembly Supply Chains. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 1(2), March 1998. The Web site for the journal is: http://www.soc.surrey.ac.uk/JASSS/JASSS.html
42. Troy J. Strader, Fu-ren Lin and Michael J. Shaw, Information Infrastructure for Electronic Virtual Organization Management, Decision Support Systems, 23(1):75-94, 1998. (SCI)
43. Fu-ren Lin, Michael J. Shaw and Angela Locacsio, Scheduling Printed Circuit Board Production Systems Using the Two-Level Scheduling Approach, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 16(2): 129-149, 1997. (SSCI)
44. Fu-ren Lin and Michael J. Shaw, Active Training of Backpropagation Neural Network Using the Learning by Experimentation Methodology, Annals of Operation Research-- Special Issues on Artificial Intelligence and Decision Science, 75:105-122, 1997. (SSCI)
45. Daniel J. Buehrer and Fu-ren Lin, Unification Without Occurs Check on a Cellular Tree, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 17(2):229-240, 1994.
46. Daniel J. Buehrer and Fu-ren Lin, Parallel Unification on a Polymorphic-Torus, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, 1(4):225-245, 1994.
Introduction to Service Science
Text mining
015~2016, Overseas Research Scholarship, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
2002-2003, Overseas Research Scholarship, National Science Council, Taiwan
2002-2003, Fulbright Foreign Scholarship 1998-2003, SSCI/SCI Publication Award, College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
2000, New Researcher Award, National Sun Yat-sen University
2000-2002 SSCI/SCI Publication Award, National Sun Yat-sen University
1998 Research Fellowship, Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation, Taiwan
1997, New Researcher Award, College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
1996 ~ (Cont.) Research Award, granted by National Science Council, Taiwan.