嚴秀茹 HsiuJu Rebecca Yen
Professor and Director
Service Innovation and Design
Service Marketing
Management of Service Organizations
Consumer Behavior
Brief Bio
現職 Employment
國立清華大學服務科學研究所 教授
Professor, Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
學歷 Education
PhD, Psychology, Rutgers University, USA
MS, Psychology, Rutgers University, USA
學術經歷 Academic Experience
國立清華大服務科技與管理研究中心主任 Director, Service Technology and Management Research Cener, National Tsing Hua University
國立中央大學資訊管理學系 教授 Professor, Department of Information Systems Management, National Central University
國立中央大學圖書館 館長
Director, University Library,
National Central University
研究興趣 Research Interests
服務創新與設計 Service Innovation and Design
服務行銷Service Marketing
服務組織管理 Management of Service Organizations
服務消費行為研究 Service Consumer Behaviors
研究計畫 Recent Projects
Minister of Science and Technology Research Project (105-2410-H-007-033-MY3):"Service innovation, creativity, and co-creation: A multi-perspective and mix-method approach" (Principal Investigator; 8/2016 - 7/2019)
National Science Council Research Project NSC 102-2410-H-007-050-MY3: " Linking value co-creation with service performance: A multilevel organizational perspective" (Principal Investigator; 8/2013 -7/2016)
National Science Council Research Project NSC 99-2410-H-007-006-MY3: "Managing Customer Co-Creation: A Proactive Service Triangle" (Principal Investigator; 8/2010 -7/2013)
Service Science Society project: "Service Innovation Readiness Survey" (Principal Investigator; 1/2012-12/2012)
National Science Council Research Project NSC 95-2416-H-008-006-MY3: "electronic services and value creation - Five sub-project : integrating perspective to investigate the ability of the actual situation of electronic services - Quality - Value chain " (Electronic Service and Value Creation - Subproject # 5: "The Capability- Quality-Value Chain of e-Service: A Channel Integration Approach" (Principal Investigator; 8/2007-7/2010)
Select Publications
Hsu, H.Y. & Yen. H.R. (2016). Predicting good deeds in virtual communities of consumption: The cross-level interactions of individual differences and member citizenship behaviors, Internet Research, 26 (3).
Yen, H.R., Hu, P.J., Hsu, H.Y., and E.Y. Li (2015). A multilevel approach to examine employees' loyal use of ERP systems in organizations, Journal of Management Information Systems, 32(4), 144-178.
Hsu, P., Yen, H.R., and Chung, J. (2015). "Accessing ERP post-implementation success at the individual level: Revisiting the role of service quality", Information & Management, 58(2), 925-942.
Cheng, Y.H., Yen, H.R.*, Chuang, S.C., and Chang, C.J. (2013). Product option framing under the influence of a promotion versus prevention focus, Journal of Economic Psychology, 39, 402-413.
Li, E.Y., Liao, C.H., and Yen, H.R.* (2013). Co-authorship networks and research impact: A social capital perspective, Research Policy, 42, 1515-1530
王玟凱, 嚴秀茹*, 魏志平, 丘宏昌 (2013), 夥伴合作還是顧客共創? – 探討台灣企業之新服務協同發展, 產業管理論壇 , 15(1), 4-22
Hsieh, JK, Chiu, H.C., Wei, C.P., Yen, H.R., Cheng, Y. (2013). “A practical perspective on the classification of service innovation”, Journal of Services Marketing, 25(5), 371-384
Chang, Y.C., and Yen, H.R. (2012), Editorial: Introduction to special cluster on managing technology-service fusion innovation, Technovation, 32, 415-418
Yen, H.R.*, Wang, W., Wei, C.P., Hsu, H.Y., and Chiu, H.C. (2012). Service Innovation Readiness: Dimensions and Performance Outcome, Decision Support Systems, 53(4), 813-824
Hsaio, C.C. Yen, H.R., and Li, E.Y. (2012), “Exploring Consumer Value of Multi-Channel Shopping: A Perspective of Means-End Theory,” Internet Research, Vol. 22 (3), 318-339
Liao, C.H., and Yen, H.R. (2012), “Quantifying the Degree of Research Collaboration: A Comparative Study of Collaborative Measures,” Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 6, 27-33
Yen, H.R.*, Hsu, S.Y., and Huang, C.Y. (2011), “Good Soldiers on the Web: Understanding the drivers of participation in online community of consumption”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 15 (4), 89-120.
Yen, H.R., and Chuang, S.C. (2008), “The Effect of Incidental Affect on Preference for the Status Quo”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 36 (4), 522-537.
Yen, H.R. *, Li, E.Y., and Niehoff, B. (2008), “Do Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Lead to Information System Success? Testing the Mediation Effects of Integration Climate and Project Management”, Information & Management, Vol. 45(6), 394-402
Chuang, S.C., and Yen, H.R.* (2007), “The Impact of a Product's Country-of- origin on Compromise and Attraction Effects”, Marketing Letters, Vol. 18, 279-291.
Lin, C. H., Yen, H.R.*, & Chuang, S.C. (2006). “The Effects of Mood and Need for Cognition on Consumer Choice Involving Risk”, Marketing Letters, 17, 47-60.
Sheu, C., Yen, H.R., & Chae, B. (2006). “Determinants of Supplier-Retailer Collaboration: Evidence from an International Study”, International Journal of Operation and Production Management, Vol. 26(1), 24-49.
Yen, H.R. (2005), “"An Attribute-Based Model of Quality Satisfaction for Internet Self-Service Technology," The Service Industries Journal, 25(4), 1-17.
Chae, B., Yen, H.R., & Sheu. C. (2005). “Information Technology and Supply Chain Collaboration: Mediating Effects of Existing Relationships between Partners”,IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 52(4), 440-448.
Yen, H.R. & Sheu, C. (2004). “Aligning ERP Implementation with Competitive Strategy: An Exploratory Study,”International Journal of Production Economics, 92 (3), 207-220.
Yen, H.R. & Niehoff, B.P. (2004). “Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Organizational Effectiveness: Examining Relationships in Taiwanese Banks,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34 (8), 1617-1637.
Yen, H.R.*, Gwinner, P. K., & Su, W. (2004). “The Impacts of Customer Participation and Service Expectation on Causal Attributions Following Service Failure,” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15 (1), 7-26.
Yen, H.R. & Gwinner K.P. (2003). Internet Retail Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Relational Benefits, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14(5), 483-500.
Jussim L., Yen. H., & Aiello, J. R. (1995). Self-consistency, self-enhancement, and accuracy in reactions to feedback. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 31, 322-356.
服務創新 Service Innovation
服務行銷與管理 Service Marketing and Management
科技管理導論 (博士班課程) Introduction to Technolog Management (Ph.D. course)
第五屆崇越論文大賞博士論文組優等獎(指導學生:中央大學資訊管理學系 廖建翔),2012
第四屆溫世仁服務科學論文獎; 碩士組優等獎 (指導學生:服務科學研究所 王建斌),2011年。
最佳論文獎,第十屆亞太地區決策科學學會年會(the 10th APDSI),2005年6月 (得獎文章: Information Technology and Supply Chain Collaboration: Mediating Effects of Existing Relationships between Partners)。
客服產業學術研討會論文優等獎(指導學生:元智大學企業管理學系碩士班 蘇建宇) ,2003年。
國科會甲種研究獎勵,1995、 1996年。