許裴舫 Pei-Fang Hsu
教授 Professor
所長 Institute Director
IT User Behavior and Freemium Model
IT Service Management
Adoption and Value of Information Systems
Green IT and Green Supply Chain
Brief Bio
現職 Employment
清華大學服務科學研究所 教授
Professor, Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
學歷 Education
PhD, Information Systems, Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine
MBA, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
BS, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Work Experience
Assistant & Associate Professor,
Institute of Service Science,
National Tsing Hua University
清華大學服務科學研究所 副教授、助理教授
Industry Analyst, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Computer & Communication Research Laboratories
工業技術研究院 資訊與通訊工業研究所
研究興趣 Research Interests
IT User Behavior and Freemium model
IT Service Management
Adoption and Value of Information Systems
Green IT and Green Supply Chain
Select Publications
Hsu, P.*, Yen, H. R., Hu, P. J.H., Nguyen, K. T. (2024), "Converting Free Users to Paying Customers in Freemium Services: A SaaS Success Model," Information Systems and e-Business Management, forthcoming
Hsu, P.*, Yen, H. R., Hu, P. J. H., (2024), "Examining Different Uses of IT for Enhancing Service Innovation Performance," Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 34 (3), 213-236.
Hsu, P.*, Chen, S. C., & He, W. Y. (2024). "Data Mining Augmented Survey Research," Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 54 (1), 491-518.
Hsu, P.*, Lu, Y., Chen, S. C., Kuo, P. Y., (2024), "Creating and Validating Predictive Personas for Target Marketing," International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 181, 103147
Nishant, R. Nguyen, K. T., Teo, T. S. H., and Hsu, P., (2024), "Role of Susbstansive and rhetorical signals in the market reaction to announcements on AI adotion: a configurational study," European Journal of Information Systems, 33(5), 802-844.
Hsu, P*., and Nguyen, K. T., (2023), "Examining the cultural differences in disseminating green supply chain in global subsidiaries," Journal of Business Research, 164, 113982
Hsu, P., Nguyen, K. T., Wang, C-Y., Huang, P., (2023), "Chatbot commmerce - How contextual factors affect Chatbot effectiveness," Electronic Markets, 33 (1), 1-22.
Nguyen, K. T. and Hsu, P.*, (2022), "More personalized, more useful? Reinvestigating recommendation mechanisms in e-commerce," International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 26 (1), 90-122.
Hsu, P.*, (2022). “A Deeper Look at Cloud Adoption Trajectory and Dilemma,” Information Systems Frontiers, 24 (1), 177-194.
Hsu, P.*, Nguyen, K. T., Huang, J., (2021), “Value co-creation and value co-destruction in Self-Service Technology: A customer’s perspective,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 46, 101029.
Kuem, J. Ray, S., Hsu, P., Khansa, L. (2020). “Smartphone Addiction and Conflict: An Incentive-Sensitization Perspective of Addiction for Information Systems,” European Journal of Information Systems, 30(4), 430-424.
Hu, P., Hu, H., Wei, C., Hsu, P., (2016). "Examining Firms' Green Information Technology Practices: A Hierarchical View of Key Drivers and Their Effects," Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(4), 1149-1179.
Hsu, P.*, Yen, H.R., Chung, J. (2015). "Assessing ERP Post-Implementation Success at the Individual Level: Revisiting the Role of Service Quality," Information & Management, 52(8), 925-942.
Hsu, P.*, Hu, P., Wei, C., Huang, C., (2014). “Green Purchasing by MNC Subsidiaries: The Role of Local Tailoring in the Presence of Institutional Duality,” Decision Sciences, 45(4), 647-682.
Hsu, P.*, Ray, S., and Li-Hsieh, Y., (2014). “Examining Cloud Computing Adoption Intention, Pricing Mechanism, and Deployment Model,” International Journal of Information Management, 34(4), 474-488.
Hsu, P.*, (2013). “Integrating ERP and e-Business: Resource complementarity in business value creation,” Decision Support Systems, 56, pp. 334-347.
Hsu, P.*, (2013). “Commodity or Competitive Advantage? Analysis of the ERP Value Paradox,” Electronic Commerce and Research and Applications, 12(6), 412-424.
Hsu, P.*, Kraemer, K., and Dunkle, D., (2006). “Determinants of E-Business Use in US Firms,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 10(4), 9-45.
Kraemer, K., and Hsu, P., (2005), “Review of China’s Telecommunication Market: Entering a New Competitive Age,” Journal of Asian Business, 21(1), 69-71.
Research Methods
Management Information Systems
IT service: Theory and Practice
Research Awards
台灣服務科學學會學術研究獎-博士論文獎優等(指導博士班學生Tuan Kellan Nguyen 獲得), 2021
Best Paper Award, Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI), Seoul, Korea, 2017
亞太決策科學年會最佳論文獎Excellent Junior Research Investigator Grant, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, 2017, 2019
科技部優秀年輕學者計畫第八屆台達電國際學術交流獎, 2018
台灣服務科學學會學術研究獎-碩士論文獎優等(指導碩士班學生黃珮茹獲得), 2017
台灣服務科學學會學術研究獎-碩士論文獎優等(指導碩士班學生趙珮茹獲得), 2016
溫世仁服務科學研究碩士論文獎佳作 (指導碩士班學生王俊懿獲得), 2013
溫世仁國際合作研究交流獎, 2009
Teaching Awards
Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, 2017
國立清華大學科技管理學院傑出教學獎Outstanding Mentor Award, College of Technology Managment, National tsing Hua University, 2020, 2014
國立清華大學科技管理學院傑出導師獎Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of California, Irvine, 2007