Pham Thanh Thuy Vy (Jasmine)
Advisor Professor Fu-Ren Lin
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Brief Bio
現職 Employment
Lecturer, School of Business - Marketing, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Consultant cum Researcher, Social Life Institute, Vietnam
學歷 Education
PhD. (2022 - current) Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University
MSc. (2012-2015) Media and Communications Management, University of Stirling, UK
BA. (2005-2009) Business Management (in Marketing), University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
研究興趣 Research Interests
Social Innovation
Social Marketing/ Behaviour Change
Digital Society
Digital Media and Communications
Selected Publications
Research Article
Pham, Tv., Hoang, NY.N. & Do, HN. The “e-Wallet Generation”: How Barriers and Promoting Factors Influence Intention to Use. Rev Socionetwork Strat 15, 413–427 (2021).
(In Vietnamese) Do, N. & Pham, V. (2021) Impact of the constructivism on the innovation thinking of Business students, Journal of Educational Science
Conference Papers
Nguyen T, Pham V., Do N., Tran T., Nguyen H. (2020) Barriers to Promote Stakeholder Collaboration in the Social Enterprise Ecosystem in Vietnam, Conference “International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development Goals: A Journey of 5 Years and the Path ahead”
Nguyen, T., Tran, T., Nguyen, H., Do, N. & Pham, V. (2020) The Role of Teacher in Promoting Student Social Interest in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Education
Pham, V. (2019) How ICTs enhance the relational communication of GenZ, Conference Paper: The 3rd International Conference on Business (ICB 2019)
Pham, V. (2019) The personal communication strategy: Media selection and usage in relationship building, Conference Paper: The 3 rd International Conference on Business (ICB 2019)
Report & Whitepaper
A Meta-analysis survey about social innovation & social enterprise education in Asia (sponsored by British Council) Social Innovation and Higher Education Landscape report in East Asia | British Council
Research Projects
Resilience Project
Other Experience
Leader of Digital Society Research Lab, Social Life Institute
Admin of Research team
Service-Learning Program Design and Organization
Training of Trainer
Awards & Rewards
Pro-Bono Service
Marketing Consultant cum Researcher for Social Enterprise (CSIP, 2012 - 2014)
PR Consultant (LIN, DRD, Little Rose Shelter, 2012 - 2015)
Facilitator of Active Citizen in Social Enterprise (British Council, 2018 - current)